Pet Info That Matters

Stay informed about policies, pet travel advice and cost-effective pet healthcare

We bring you only the important bits - the latest policies and information on animal welfare, changes in pet travel guidance, news about our clinic and advice on how to keep your pet’s healthcare on budget.

June 6, 2024

Flash Offer for June: Professional Nail Clip with a Nurse for £10*

Keeping your pet's nails trimmed is important for both the appearance and health of your pet. Our nurses will trim your pet's nails carefully and patiently to ensure their comfort. Our Flash Offer is valid for dogs, cats, and small furries until the end of June.
May 15, 2024

The Making of NoviVet – an Independent Veterinary Clinic in the Heart of Bexleyheath

Driven by a shared passion for animal welfare and community, learn about how founders Javier and Rafael transitioned from working for large veterinary groups to establishing their own independent vet clinic. We will explore the reasons behind choosing Bexleyheath, the unique dynamics between the founders, and the exceptional team that makes NoviVet a warm and inviting space.