Digital X-ray

What are the types of Digital X-ray examinations available at the NoviVet clinic?

We can perform a wide range of X-ray studies that will provide us with valuable information to help diagnose your pet’s condition and create a treatment plan.

What are the conditions and illnesses in pets that can be diagnosed and monitored using a Digital X-ray?

When it comes to soft tissue organs or structures, it may be necessary to perform an ultrasound scan to complement X-rays. X-rays are ideal for assessing hard tissue or structures such as bones, stones, and calcified masses, as well as the lungs. However, for soft tissue organs or structures like the heart, intestines, liver, bladder, and soft tissue masses, an ultrasound scan would be more effective.

Is Digital X-ray safe for your pet?

Digital X-rays are safer than traditional film X-rays as they expose our patients (and staff) to lower radiation. These procedures are painless for pets and reduce the time spent under general anaesthesia.

What to expect during a Digital X-ray appointment?

Our technicians will make sure your pet is gently positioned for imaging and guide you through the process. In some cases, when we have to keep your pet still, we may need to administer an anaesthetic or sedation. We will always discuss it before the appointment. If your pet needs general anaesthetic or sedation, they may need to stay at the clinic for a few hours.

How to prepare your pet for a Digital X-ray?

We will help you keep your pet calm and relaxed. We advise against feeding your pet before their appointment as they will be given general anaesthesia or sedation.