Soft Tissue Surgery

What is a Soft Tissue Surgery?

Our vet team is known for performing the least invasive procedures to ensure quicker recovery and shorter hospital stays. Soft Tissue Surgery includes different operations to treat conditions such as tumours, digestive conditions, urinary tract disorders, reconstructive procedures and more. It includes all parts of the body except bones, joints, spine or nerves.

When do you perform a Soft Tissue Surgery?

We recommend it for pets with medical issues that cannot be resolved without an operation and to heal some wounds. 

What types of Soft Tissue Surgery do you perform at NoviVet?

Some of the most common types include tumour removal, abdominal surgery (e.g. bladder or intestinal operation), urogenital surgery (e.g. spaying, neutering, urinary tract operations), BOAS surgery in dogs (to broaden upper airways and shorten the soft palate to allow brachycephalic dogs to breath better), skin and reconstructive surgery (e.g. skin flaps or skin grafts), emergency operation for trauma or critical illness. Our highly skilled vet surgeon team perform most of the procedures at NoviVet.

How do you prepare your pet for a surgery?

We will look after you and your pet every step of the way. We’ll take time to walk you through the process and answer all your questions. Our team will provide detailed instructions on how to get your pet ready before they undergo Soft Tissue Surgery. We may ask you to put your pet on a fast, plan pre-operation testing, and adjust your pet’s medication. 

How long will it take your pet to heal?

The recovery after a Soft Tissue Surgery depends on the type of the procedure, your pet’s health and their response to the treatment. We will provide post-operative care instructions to ensure your pet’s quick recovery, minimise pain and discomfort and recommend appropriate activity restrictions.