In-house Laboratory

What is the purpose of an in-house vet laboratory?

Our clinic has skilled lab technicians and veterinary nurses to perform diagnostic tests for their patients.

Why is it important to have the laboratory at your vet’s?

Having an in-house lab saves time. The tests can be run faster and our vets can act more quickly, especially when dealing with critically ill patients. 

When does a pet need lab work?

Lab tests are necessary to investigate concerning symptoms, make pre-surgical assessments and create routine health programmes. They help us validate your concerns after spotting changes in your pet’s behaviour, especially since some pets are good at hiding symptoms of illness. 

What laboratory services are available at the NoviVet?Our staff can perform a range of diagnostic tests including blood tests, microscopy and urine analysis. We may use an external laboratory for some specialised tests such as virology, bacteriology culture and sensitivity (to identify the type of bacteria present and the best antibiotic to use in specific cases), histopathology, cytology and others.