
What do we provide Prescriptions for?

Our vet team ensures that every pet receives the appropriate treatment and tailors their medication to address specific needs and conditions. Whether it’s antibiotics for an infection, pain relief for arthritis or a deworming tablet, the right medicine applied at the right time is crucial.

Why do you need a vet’s help with Prescriptions?
The success of treatment depends on the accurate diagnosis and perscribing of the correct medication. When we are writing a Prescription, we consider your pet’s condition and leverage years of experience to create the most effective treatment plan while monitoring your pet’s response to treatment.

Why you should turn to a vet when your pet needs medication?

We typically prescribe medication when your pet has a chronic illness, for preventative purposes or when your pet is experiencing pain, suffering from inflammation or showing any other symptoms that require medication.

Why is it dangerous to use human medicines for pets?
Giving human medications to pets, without a vet involved, can cause adverse reactions and sometimes even put your pet’s life in danger.

Why is it necessary to have Consultations before we prescribe a medicine or a supplement?

We believe that every owner’s ultimate goal is to ensure that their pet is receiving the best possible treatment. It is also a legal requirement. We will discuss concerns about your pet’s health and symptoms, examine them and carry out tests before we prescribe a treatment. If you’ve noticed any symptoms of illness or changes in your pet’s behaviour, contact us to schedule your consultation.