
What is an Orthopaedic Surgery?
Orthopaedic surgery focuses on treating bone injuries and conditions affecting bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. The goal is to relieve the pain and restore your pet’s mobility and functionality. This procedure can also prevent new injuries and further decline in your pet’s health. 

When is Orthopaedic Surgery necessary for pets?

It may be necessary for pets experiencing fractures and breaks, joint injuries, hip dysplasia, dislocated kneecaps, arthritis, injuries of tendons or ligaments and more. We will provide you with key information about the treatment and advise you when it’s appropriate for your pet.

What types of Orthopaedic Surgery do you perform at NoviVet clinic?
Our team is highly skilled in performing operations needed to treat orthopaedic injuries and conditions.

How should you prepare your pet for a surgery?

We will provide a pre-operative plan to prepare your pet for Orthopaedic Surgery, including fasting guidelines and adjustment to medications. We may also run some pre-op tests. Our team will ensure your pet is well-prepared for a successful procedure by advising you every step of the way.

What is involved in post-op care and rehabilitation?

Your pet’s rehabilitation plan may include medication, exercise, activity restriction, diet plan and follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and adjust the treatment plan.