Ultrasound Scans

What is an Ultrasound Scan and what are the benefits?
Ultrasound Scan is a non-invasive and safe way to get a detailed image of your pet’s organs and tissues. It helps us with the diagnosis and treatment. In most cases, the results will be available immediately.

What are the types of Ultrasound examinations available at the NoviVet clinic?
We offer heart, abdominal and pregnancy scans at our clinic.

What are the conditions and illnesses in pets that can be diagnosed and monitored using an Ultrasound? 

Ultrasound Scans can help us diagnose changes in the liver, kidneys and spleen, identify tumours, monitor pregnancies, evaluate heart conditions and more.

What to expect during an Ultrasound appointment?

This type of appointment is painless and typically does not require sedation. In some cases, we may need to gently restrain your pet. We will always consult you before doing so. We will remove your pet’s hair around the area we’re scanning. The Ultrasound doesn’t expose your pet to any radiation.

How to prepare your pet for an Ultrasound Scan?

We recommend avoiding feeding your pet before an Ultrasound. If you have any concerns, our staff is here to help you make your pet feel as comfortable as possible and guide you through the process which might vary depending on the area to be examined.