
What is Neutering?

Neutering is a routine operation to remove the pet’s reproductive organs. We call it castration for male and spay for female pets.

What are the benefits of neutering your pet?

Neutering has several advantages, such as reducing the risk of developing mammary cancer, preventing womb infections (known as pyometra), unwanted pregnancy or phantom pregnancies, and seasons in females. It also helps prevent testicular cancer and the chance of developing prostatic problems like BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) in males. It can also reduce the chances of roaming away from home, being involved in road traffic accidents or fights, and suppressing aggressive or dominant behaviour in males.

When should you neuter or spay your pet?

The ideal time for neutering your pet depends on breed, weight and individual health circumstances. 

How should you prepare your pet for neutering?

We will check if your pet has up-to-date vaccinations, perform a thorough health check, and recommend a blood test or some other test to ensure your pet is ready for operation. Here at NoviVet, we offer a keyhole surgery for bitch spays. Before every neutering procedure, we provide fasting instructions. We will also discuss the timeline and preferred type of procedure as neutering is a big decision for every pet owner.

How long will it take your pet to recover from a procedure?

The recovery from the neutering procedure depends on the pet’s age, overall health and the type of operation. It usually takes a few days for pets to fully recover. To prevent any complications, your pet should rest in a comfortable and quiet space.