Keyhole Surgery

What is Keyhole Surgery?

Keyhole surgery is a minimally invasive operation that allows us to perform a procedure through small incisions. This makes it more comfortable for your pet.

What are the benefits of Keyhole Surgery?

A keyhole procedure reduces pain and risks of complications and ensures faster healing. However, it can be slightly more expensive than a traditional surgery, so we will always consult you about the price.

What types of Keyhole Surgery do you perform at NoviVet?

One of the most common types of minimally invasive surgeries we perform is bitch spaying. Additionally, we carry out minimally invasive surgeries for neutering cryptorchid males, which is done when one or both testicles are retained in the abdominal cavity. We also use the keyhole technique to obtain liver biopsies, perform exploratory laparoscopies, and other similar procedures.

How do you prepare your pet for Keyhole Surgery?

Although it’s not as invasive as other types of surgery, a Keyhole Surgery still requires a general anaesthetic. We will always explain the whole procedure and carry out a thorough examination of your pet. We will also discuss any potential risks with you and request that you fast your pet from the night before the surgery. 

How long will it take your pet to recover from a Keyhole Surgery?

In general, pets undergoing this type of procedure will experience less pain and recover faster compared to a traditional surgery. Our vet team will create a personalised post-operative care plan for your pet. If your pet is very active, they could be back to their normal daily activities soon. However, the best approach is to use common sense.  However, the best approach is to use common sense. Even if your pet is feeling great, it’s important to remember that their wounds need time to heal.