Flea, Tick and Deworming Treatments

What does a Flea Treatment include?

We are prescribing an effective treatment plan that will help your pet get rid of the fleas and prevent itchiness, skin problems, costly and complicated treatments for flea bites, and home flea infestation. Fleas live on a variety of animals, including rabbits, raccoons and others.

What is a Deworming?

Deworming is a treatment for removing internal parasites from your pet’s body. Dogs are most frequently infected by roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms, while in cats roundworms and tapeworms are most common. There are different types of deworming treatments that we can prescribe after examining your pet, like tablets, liquids, granules and spot-ons for dogs, and tablets, injections and spot-ons for cats.

How often should you deworm your pet?

The frequency of deworming depends on the pet’s age, lifestyle and exposure to parasites. Puppies contract roundworms from their mothers, so deworming starts when they are only a couple of weeks old and is repeated every two to three weeks until they are 16 weeks old. During their adult age, we recommend deworming dogs four times a year. Kittens are typically treated every two weeks from when they are three weeks old and until eight weeks of age. We recommend deworming your adult cats every three months, especially if they go outside.

Why is it important to keep your pet flea and worm-free?

Pet worming and flea prevention keep your pet healthy and your family protected from parasites that could be passed on to people. Fleas and worms are not only unpleasant but can cause a range of health problems in pets, including skin irritation, anaemia, digestive issues and even more severe conditions if they are left untreated.

How to protect your pet against parasites?

To protect your pets from fleas and worms there are several steps you can take. Keep your pet’s living and feeding environment clean, including washing their bedding. It also helps if you keep them away from soil and faeces you suspect are contaminated and consider using preventative products or monthly medications. Regular flea and deworming treatments at our clinic are included in our Pet Health Plan.