Emergency Care

What types of Emergency Care are provided at the NoviVet clinic?

Our staff is well-trained to handle all types of emergencies, including injuries, breathing difficulties, poisoning, labour complications and more. 

What are some of the most common emergencies that require immediate vet care?

You should seek our immediate help if you suspect your pet may be poisoned if they experience severe pain, bleeding or difficulty breathing, had an eye injury, suddenly collapsed or lost consciousness, suffered heatstroke or hypothermia, or has a severe case of vomiting or diarrhoea, had a fall so they can’t move their limbs, have fractured their bones or they cannot urinate.

What can you do at home in the case of an emergency?

Please call the clinic. Our team will ask you to describe the emergency and may instruct you on how to perform first aid. We will then guide you on how to safely transport your pet to our clinic and prepare for your arrival.

What is the best way to get the injured pet to your clinic?

Injured animals are in great distress. You should approach your pet carefully as they might bite or scratch. We will provide instructions on how to administer first aid when appropriate. We will advise you to keep your pet’s head, neck and spine as still as possible, avoid sudden movements and place them on a flat, firm surface.

What does an emergency appointment look like? 

When you arrive at the clinic, we will assess your pet’s condition as soon as possible and address the life-threatening issues first. Once your pet is stabilised, we will ask you for more details about their condition.