Dental Treatments

What are Dental Checks for pets?

Dental Check includes examination of your pet’s teeth, gums and oral cavity for any signs of dental disease like plaque or tartar buildup, gum inflammation or tooth decay.

How often should you check your pet’s teeth?

We recommend scheduling a Dental Check for your pet every six months to once a year, depending on your home dental routine and their needs.

What types of Dental Treatments do you perform at NoviVet clinic?

Plaque cleaning, teeth polishing and treating broken/rotten teeth are the most popular dental services and can prevent more serious issues. 

What can you do to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy?

Pets, luckily, usually don’t get cavities but are prone to plaque build-up, inflammation of gums, bad breath and breaking teeth (especially dogs). Brushing your pet’s teeth daily is ideal, but even doing it a few times per week can help prevent serious dental issues. Dental chews are great but cannot replace regular dental hygiene. Avoiding toys that could damage your pet’s teeth is recommended. A balanced diet will also support your pet’s dental health, as well as scheduling routine checks.

How can you prepare your pet for a Dental Treatment and help them recover after it?

To help you prepare your pet for the dental procedure, we’ll walk you through the process and answer all your questions. We will provide fasting instructions, run blood or diagnostic tests if needed, and ensure your pet is a good candidate for anaesthesia. We might also ask you to adjust your pet’s medication.

After the treatment, we’ll prescribe pain medication as needed, advise you on a soft diet or moistened food and schedule follow-up appointments. Soft bedding and a quiet, comfortable space for recovery are helpful.