Blood Pressure Monitoring

Why do you need to monitor your pet’s blood pressure?

Measuring your pet’s blood pressure helps us assess the health of their heart and blood vessels and detect underlying health issues early on. 

What if my pet’s blood pressure is too high or too low?

High or low blood pressure in pets can lead to health complications. High blood pressure (hypertension) is more common. It can strain your pet’s heart and kidneys, and cause blindness or seizures. Regular health checks include blood pressure screening which helps us detect high blood pressure sooner and discuss the best ways to keep your pet healthy for years to come.

When are pets prone to low or high blood pressure?

Pets, just like humans, experience changes in blood pressure depending on their age, breed, underlying health conditions, and medication. 

How do you treat high blood pressure in pets?

We will do a complete examination of your pet and make some tests to find the underlying cause to begin any kind of treatment. We may prescribe medications to help lower your pet’s blood pressure and reduce the risk of further complications. We typically schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your pet’s progress and adjust their treatment plan as needed.

What can you do to keep my pet’s blood pressure in an acceptable range?

A balanced diet, regular exercise and routine health checks will help keep your pet’s blood pressure in an acceptable range. We will offer advice and recommendations to help you maintain any underlying conditions and provide the best possible care for your pet.