
What are Vet Consultations?

Vet Consultations are a key step in creating a personalised treatment plan for your pet. We’ll discuss concerns about your pet’s health and symptoms, perform a complete physical examination, carry out some minor tests if appropriate and provide advice about the next steps. 

Why do Vet Consultations matter?

They provide an opportunity for early discovery of any health issues before they turn into more serious problems. Consultations allow us to monitor your pet’s health over time and adjust their care as needed.

When should you schedule a Consultation with the Vet?

We recommend you get in touch and schedule a consultation with one of our vets whenever you have questions or worries about your pet’s wellbeing, or notice changes in their day-to-day routine. It can be when your pet shows symptoms of illness, behaves differently than usual, is due for a regular check-up or you simply look for a second opinion.

How can you prepare for a Vet Consultation?

We welcome any photos or videos that capture changes in your pet’s routine or show out-of-ordinary behaviour. You can also bring along any medication and supplements that you’ve been giving to your pet that haven’t been prescribed by us, or packaging of anything toxic you suspect they ate, drunk or inhaled.

How do Vet Consultations help?

Keeping a close eye on the first signs of change can help us address any health issues early on, provide appropriate treatment and take away the discomfort. Our staff will ensure your consultation with the vet is as calm and comfortable as possible. We will work together to ensure your pet receives the best care early on.